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The Saints Arts Grants Program was established to recognize, honor and support the performing arts in Chicagoland. This program reinforces our dedication to the cultural vibrancy of the performing arts by affording access to necessary funding. Through the years, we have granted over $1.36 million to assist in the archiving, amplifying, costuming, repairing, scoring, shedding light on, providing greater accessibility for performers, patrons and more.

Your gift to the Saints Arts Grants fund helps us to not only support Chicagoland's outstanding performing arts organizations with our time and our passion -- but with some ever-important funding, as well. Each year, the board commits a portion of member dues to this purpose. Additional donated funds will only increase the amount of aid we are able to provide. Please consider making a gift to the Saints Arts Grants fund today by clicking DONATE below -- and thank you!

The Saints is a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 36-3730836).

Saints members!: Be sure to log in before making a donation to avoid an added $2.00 non-member charge.

We understand that time spent volunteering for Chicago-area performing arts organizations -- and seeing the entertaining and moving work they provide! -- is a very meaningful and fulfilling experience for many Saints members. Some of our members have been so moved by the things their Saints membership has provided to them that have chosen to direct some of their charitable giving to The Saints unrestricted fund, over and above their annual dues.

If you would like to make such a gift to support the work of The Saints as directed by the board of directors, please click DONATE below to make your gift -- and thank you!

The Saints is a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 36-3730836).

Saints members!: Be sure to log in before making a donation to avoid an added $2.00 non-member charge.